Nextdoor Nature: Turlin Moor Community Garden Open Day

Nextdoor Nature: Turlin Moor Community Garden Open Day

Wilder Communities Officer, Anona Dawson recently attended the Turlin Moor Community Garden open day event as part of the Nextdoor Nature Project.

Thanks to everyone who came along to the Turlin Moor Community Garden Open Day on Saturday 15 July, which was organised by BCP Homes in conjunction with The Wildlife Trusts and Nextdoor Nature Projects.

The event was to celebrate various projects initiated by Dorset Wildlife Trust’s Nextdoor Nature project, and a chance to get feedback from local residents about how they would like to see the community garden developed, and also what they would like to see happen around other areas on Turlin Moor.

Sadly, due to the weather warnings, the event had to take place in the Youth Club instead of in the community garden. But we didn't let a little rain dampen our spirits!

Sheltered from the elements we were able to show a film made by Bournemouth and Poole College students filmed at Lychett Bay in partnership with both local residents and Dorset Wildlife Trust. The film essentially highlights the consequences of not looking after the environment and takes the form of a good old fashioned horror movie. You can watch the film here. 

Assistant Wilder Communities Officer, Mitch Perkins engaging with the community

Anona Dawson / Assistant Wilder Communities Officer, Mitch Perkins engaging with the community

Dorset Wildlife Trust had a wildlife-friendly gardening display and activity involving painting ceramic seed pots. Various other community groups also attended the event.

The Arts Programme Manager for BCP Council lead activities using art as an aid for mental health which was fantastic to see the community engage with. Poole Town Museum also brought some great activities for kids and inspirational insights regarding local history, and The Parks Foundation provided informative and interactive activities regarding the local flora and fauna.

The wonderful residents from Turlin Moor who are part of the Grow Moor Wild Group, Skills and Learning who deliver educational and vocational courses for the community at the local school were also in attendance and the Friendly Food Club, who as ever, tempted us with some delicious, healthy food.

Lots of brilliant conversations and connections were made at the open day event and it was great seeing people of all ages engaging with various activities and expressing such enthusiasm for making space for nature in their local area.

If you want to make space for nature in your neighbourhood, or would like to find out more about the Nextdoor Nature Project, then follow the link here. 

Turlin Moor Community Garden event display

Anona Dawson