Thank you for your donation to our Beaver Project

David Parkyn © David Parkyn/ Cornwall Wildlife Trust

David Parkyn - David Parkyn/ Cornwall Wildlife Trust

Thank you for your donation to our Beaver Project

Thank you for your donation to our Beaver Project

Thank you for your donation to our beaver project - and thank you for your support in helping to reintroduce nature’s engineers.

After 400 years without these amazing creatures, Dorset is once again home to beavers as part of Dorset Wildlife Trust’s enclosed trial. With your help, we have set up a home for a pair of beavers and are now safely studying the impacts of this iconic species on the surrounding water and wildlife. 

This is a very exciting project and we look forward to gathering more information about the effects of these industrious creatures on waterways. Where beavers go, more wildlife will follow, and we hope to see a thriving wetland site emerge in the coming years, thanks to these amazing mammals. 

Thank you for your generous donation. We will send regular updates about the project, and other Dorset wildlife activities as they develop, so please sign up to our email to keep up to date.

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