Take action for wildlife: March

Take action for wildlife: March

There are plenty of small actions we can take to benefit wildlife, but where do you start? In our blog series the Wilder Communities Team will be sharing simple tips so that you can focus on one action you can take for wildlife in each month of 2024.

The State of Nature report (Sept 2023), revealed that one in six species is in danger of going extinct in Great Britain. Nature is in desperate need of restoring – for wildlife, for our food security and for our climate, and the British public’s love of wildlife spans across the political divide.

Bold and robust biodiversity policies could be the catalyst to influence swing voters in the forthcoming general election according to polls conducted with the wider public and amongst our membership of nearly one million potential voters (Great Big Nature Survey).

Your political voice can become part of the growing movement to create change and act for nature. Our movement's priorities for the next UK government are: bring back the UK’s lost wildlife, end river pollution and water scarcity, fund wildlife-friendly farming, enable healthy communities and tackle the climate emergency.

This is our big vision, and we need you to help us. We are committed to working towards nature’s recovery, across our reserves and within communities, but we cannot do this alone.

Personal contact with your current councillor or MP at a local level speaking out about your concerns is vital and known to have significant impact. Petitions are useful and important, but personal conversations, emails and letters often gain greater influence. Ask direct questions, be polite and patient, but persistent. They are our elected representatives and therefore obliged to respond. Many conduct surgeries, usually on Fridays when Parliament is sitting. These are open to attend and enable us to stand in front of our elected members, holding them to account. Not sure who your elected members are? 

Find your MP

Find your councillor 

You can find out how the Council that represents you compares to other councils around the country on actions towards environmental concerns here, and you can also find out how your MP votes on things that matter to you here.

Noticing all the positive things that are happening in your local neighbourhood is also important. Speaking out for all these seemingly small changes that are happening all around us creates the murmuration we are seeking. The murmuration of positive local action for nature, for us and for our world. There are a multitude of really positive projects being carried out by communities and individuals and supported by us and local government. Derelict sites are being turned into gardens, grass verges are springing up with wildflowers.

Note these down and send them to your local councillor and MP, write in positive praise for these actions and more will happen because your voice will encourage others and show our leaders we care, we value what is being done and we want more of the same. Don’t be discouraged, everybody needs to work together now.

Keep an eye on our planning pages, housing and development can have a serious impact on wildlife and habitats but there are also opportunities to deliver very positive benefits for biodiversity. Planning affects everyone and we need your help as we have limited capacity to respond to planning applications. You have the power to influence planning outcomes by standing up for nature, commenting on these applications and making your voice heard.

Our message is clear: Humanity's basic needs - food, water, fresh air, our happiness, and physical wellbeing - can all be met with a healthy natural environment. But today’s evidence shows a catastrophic collapse in both species and ecosystems and sadly the UK is one of the worst places on the planet for wildlife. We have an opportunity now and with the upcoming election to do something about this and we need your help more than ever.

There is no Planet B

Leanne Manchester